I was born
on January 16th, 24 years ago, in Iquique (the most beautiful city I
know). I have 2 siblings, a younger sister (Daria) and brother (Milan); yes, I’m
the oldest one which means it’s not an easy role. I lived in Iquique for 12
years, having a really great childhood, with good memories and happy moments; I
always studied in the same school: Colegio Hispano Británico, with my best
friend (I know her since the day I was born, she is older for 2 days), until I moved
to another country for 2 years with all my family, having a really great experience
because I learned another language, culture, people and the most important thing
the value of family.
I came back
to Chile in 2002, but this time we settled down in Santiago. I went to a school
in Las Condes where I finished high school, by the way I just hated that place
:/ so I think I´m one of the few people that
doesn’t miss high school. A year before I graduated my family moved back
to Iquique, I stayed behind living with my grandmother, after that year I moved
back with my family; meanwhile I studied for the PSU. Next year I got into
Diseño at Universidad de Chile, where I still study but I’m coursing my last 4 classes.
About my
life I have a hobby since I was 8, actually it’s more like a lifestyle, I’m a
scout girl (really proud of being an active one today). I have kids (boys and
girls) of 16 to 18 years old at my charge; it’s a new challenge for me because I’m
used to treat with younger girls. Anyways I just love to camp, share with
different people of different ages, do games, learn new things, etc.
And now
that I have a little more free time I work in a bar, at the beginning I was a waitress
but I got bored so I learned how to be a
bartender, which I really like and have fun (it´s the surprise of not knowing
which drink I’ll have to make). Sometimes it makes you tired but I made really
good friends, we actually hang out a lot.
Iquique it`s a very beautiful city, I have family there and my 3 cousins went to Colegio Hispano Britanico!